Broseco (Caresend) half day trip available for 2 on Sunday, July 17th

Jul 09 2016

Jackson Bean

Slot Fish

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Broseco (Caresend) half day trip available for 2 on Sunday, July 17th


Hey Gang,

Our trip fell apart for a boys weekend at Broseco next weekend so I've put some feelers out to gauge interest in fishing out there next Sunday, July 17th for a half day.  I think there are two of us fishing Saturday the 16th and I have a different friend coming out on Sunday to fish a half day.    It's all up in the air at this point but if you will do me a favor and email me at if you are interested in coming out on Sunday (full or half day) and lodging is also available.  

It looks like the weather will be HOT but that was the best time to go last year.



Jul 18 2016

Jerry Gaither


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How was the trip? Have wanted to schedule a Broseco trip , but have been hesitant in the heat due to cost?

Jul 18 2016

Jackson Bean

Slot Fish

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Hey Jerry,

The trip was top notch.  It was hot but we had a good breeze which kept us cool.  The cost is significant but I'd put a day at Broseco up against a day almost anywhere else.  What is that worth?  It's different for all of us.  Both of my friends that came out over the weekend caught their new PB so there were plenty of smiles to go around.  

In my opinion, the fishing is the same as it has been the last couple of years which means the hotter the weather the more these fish are going to be eating.  Expect high catch rates until the first of September.

Go read my report when you can Jerry and don't hesitate too long to get a trip on the books.  This isn't a lake you want to miss out on. ;)

Jul 19 2016

Jerry Gaither


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I have been to Broseco a number of times, just not in middle of summer.  i assumed it was like most lakes in Texas where fishing slowed considerably in heat of summer.


if i understand you correctly that is not the case at Broseco.

Jul 20 2016

Jackson Bean

Slot Fish

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That has been my experience Jerry.  I don't know if you ever fished Falcon Lake in its prime but those fish were happiest in the heat of the summer at 1:00 in the afternoon.  We had multiple trips down there with off the charts success in the heat of the day and before 9 am was almost a waste of your time.  This past weekend at Broseco, I had made big promises to my friend who came Sunday.  We watched the sun rise and had caught around five fish in the first two hours and I was scratching my head.  Once that sun got up and started cooking the bite really turned on and we had 20 or so from 10:00 to noon, and that's after fishing the snot out of the same areas the day before.  In my experience, early summer is great fishing and the month of September is typically when I wish I had stayed home.