Boat suggestions

Mar 20 2016

Danny Renfro

Slot Fish

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Boat suggestions

I'm looking for a new boat.  Preferably a 12' 14' jon boat style boat.  I'd like for it to have decking, with raised swivel seats, carpet.  A foot controlled trolling motor would be a plus.  Any type of storage or live well is a plus, but if it don't have it, it's not a big deal.  I just need something i can stand up in that's stable. I have thought about, the Kayak route, but still unsure.   Also recommendations on what you guys use would be helpful.

If you guys know anyone selling, or where i could find something like this, and point me in the right direction. I would appreciate it.  I have searched the oklahoma/texas craiglist adds, found a couple, but they have already been sold.  

I would just like to buy one, kind of setup for lakes like we fish here in the club.  I guess if it comes to it, i can do the work myself, but would just prefer to buy one. lol

Mar 20 2016

William Fetech


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Danny. I fish from a kayak. It is from Old Town Canoe and Kayak and the model is Predator XL with the Minn Kota trolling motor option. It is a very stable platform and I can stand to fish. There are several YouTube videos on this model. If you have any questions, give me a call at 830-535-4763. I just taken several photos for fellow member Bryan Buchan and I can send them if you are interested.  

Bill Fetech

Mar 21 2016

Steve Carpenter


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I and several other members oof the club use a Sun Dolphin Pro 120. The boat is 11 feet , 2 inches, wide and stable and has raised platforms . Also live well.  You can crank it onto the trailer without putting the wheels in the water. Look under discussions and you can get more information about the boat.


Steve Carpenter

Mar 21 2016

Danny Renfro

Slot Fish

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Steve what kind or size of boat trailer do you use for your's?

Mar 22 2016

Steve Carpenter


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I use a genesis dolphin trailer made for this boat. You can go to there web site for quite a bit of information. You can also find information on bass pro shop, walmart and some other major sporting good stores websites. Never have seen one in a store here, but they are for sell on the web. Philip Chapin has modified his boat and has a lot of knowledge and experience with the boat. you might contact him.  He helped me a lot.




Mar 23 2016

Marty Newman


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I have the Sun Dolphin Pro and love it.  Much easier to get on and off the trailer myself than my previous boat, which was a 14' decked Jon boat, that was very heavy.  Best price I found for mine was  Ordered it online and they delivered to my local Walmart and I picked it up there.  Perfect boat for the club.  Good luck.

Mar 24 2016

Scott Quigley


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I have a 16' Lowe Stinger (aluminum bass boat) that has all of the features you mentioned. I can launch it anywhere by myself. I paid $5000 for the boat, motor, and trailer off craigslist. Sold the motor for $3000, so ended up paying $2000 for the boat and trailer. Has full carpeted deck front and back, foot controlled trolling motor, two depth finders, livewell, raised seats, rod storage, tackle storage, etc. I took out the console and bench seating to add some more room. IMO this kind of set up can't be beat for a pond boat. 

Mar 26 2016

Mike Holliday


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I own a canoe, 14' jon boat, several kayaks and have used them all on club lakes with varying degrees of success.  I think the prefect boat for PWF is this, I fished out of one several weeks ago and will be selling my jon boat.  It's light, very stable and can be rowed or used with a trolling motor.

It's a little tight for two average sized guys, but for a single or parent with kid(s) it would be ideal.  I really like the weight aspect and it's extremely stable.

Mar 29 2016

Gary Guinn


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Did you happen to see my post back on January 11th? 

Mar 30 2016

Phillip D. Chapin

Slot Fish

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Originally Posted by Steve Carpenter

I use a genesis dolphin trailer made for this boat. You can go to there web site for quite a bit of information. You can also find information on bass pro shop, walmart and some other major sporting good stores websites. Never have seen one in a store here, but they are for sell on the web. Philip Chapin has modified his boat and has a lot of knowledge and experience with the boat. you might contact him.  He helped me a lot.




Hey danny.. as steve said i have a pro 120 and would not trade it for anything.. danny i think you got a good look at mine the day we met at cody ranch.. i have the stock trailer you can order with the boat.. and as marty said its perfect for loading and unloading this boat... the stability and comfort of this boat will surprise you along with its light weight... i think a few of our members have these now and i bet not one has a complaint.. a little higher ij price but worth every penny.. if ya gotta go used, then craigslist it.. when i was looking years ago i found a few used ones but went new and never looked back.. if you need any help go to sundolphin's web site for info.. 

Mar 30 2016

Phillip D. Chapin

Slot Fish

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hey steve carpenter, or marty newman.. danny renfro was asking me about my pro 120 and trailer... back when i bought mine years ago i got it in a boat/trailer combo all in one,,, but i dont see that combo anymore on line.. did either of yall get yours in a combo? or do ya have to order seperate now?  

Mar 31 2016

Steve Carpenter


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Hello Phillip,

Bought mine separately and drove to Michigan to pick both up. I'm retired and it was a nice chance to see some new country. You take care of yourself.



Mar 31 2016

Phillip D. Chapin

Slot Fish

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thanks steve c.. i just made a bunch of calls and the pro120 and genesis trailer is now sold seperately, and not in a combo.. but there is a company that will package it and ship it out to your house or business.. 1-888-940-2628 ask for cris..


Apr 01 2016

Steve Carpenter


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The web site I bought my boat from was :

Good luck on your selection

May 02 2016

Jeffrey Light


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Hey - I just joined and was reading through some of the threads.  I will also be looking for a boat.  What do you think about the Pond King Rebel XL?  I know it is pretty expensive but I like look/concept.  Plus it fits into the back of my truck.  Comments????

May 04 2016

Steve Carpenter


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Not familiar with that boat.Welcome to the club and good luck

May 04 2016

Greg Davis


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Hi Danny and All 

While I like Seth's plan, I just have to add that for me the twintroller is the bees knees. Dual motors tucked inside each the pontoons and are flush with the bottom of the boat, so no props exposed. Floats in 6 inches of water, very stable and the left/ right foot controllers let you spin a 360 if you need to with no hands. It even plows through Hydrilla. Check out the YouTube videos.



Jun 10 2016

John Jordan


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Danny,  I bought a new Alumacraft welded 15ft boat about 10-12 years ago. It was the same boat they had at John"s pond in Mineral Wells. I completely rigged it out my self with wood floor and carpet. It has on-board battery charger with two 12 volt batteries hooked uo in series. 55lb foot control Minkota. Just in stalled a new Helix7 huminbird. Another feature I added was too put bunk rollers on the rail of the trailer so it is easy for one person to load and unload. I am not selling , but I could rig one out if you are interested. I also make great rutters for the rear of the boat to help stabalize the boat when all you have is a front trolling  motor. If interested you can call me. John Jordan 817-929-2555 or e-mail