Oct 21 2016
James Mathis
Steve, one of the issues that has made me hesitant are the disclaimers about difficult road conditions leading to the lakes. These appear to be in remote areas that likely have no cell phone coverage, and getting stuck even in my 4WD truck would be a major problem. Can you elaborate on this issue? Thanks!
Oct 18 2016
Steve Alexander
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We have opened some great properties in Oklahoma and not seeing our Dallas members taking advantage of the opportunity. These lakes are 2 to 2.25 hours from most of the metroplex. Its the same distance as lots of our east Texas lakes. In the office, we shake our heads all the time and wonder why members are hesitant to try new places. All three of these properties are remote, quiet and offer good fishing. Two of the last 3 groups have killed them at Boswell, 1 group caught 90 fish (2 people) and 40 fish (1 person). Both groups reported fish over 5 lbs. Is crossing the Red River scary? Come on Dallas members, the water is warm for another 3 to 4 weeks.