2019 Big Bass Contest

May 30 2019

Tom Dillon


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2019 Big Bass Contest

Bruce, Wayne, John, Danny, or whoever,

I guess you four members are the main contenders in this years contest. I tried, but just couldn't manage a big girl in the few times I was able to fish. Whoever wins at dusk tomorrow, I want to congratulate each of you for your success this year. Each of your 'bigguns' was a beautiful bass and beat mine all to - well, you know. Y'all did a great job this year - especially you, Bruce. What a beast! Anyway, way to go, guys!


Jun 01 2019

William Fetech


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For the past several years, I have been in third place for about a day or two. Some day I will break into second or first place. That is always the goal. Good luck to the contenders. 


Jun 01 2019

John Shepard

Slot Fish

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Thanks, Tom.

I caught a few good ones in February and early March that were all around 23" and never did better than that.  It was a tougher spring for me than in recent years but I'm thankful for the nice bass and great trips that I experienced. Bruce's beautiful fish was an inspiration to keep trying.  Like Bill said, sitting in third place is precarious and I doubt that I survived the last few weeks.  In the end, the reward is the fishing fun and not the contest results.



Jun 04 2019

David May

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Congratulations to Bruce, Danny and Wayne! Those are outstanding catches ( and I have never even been close to those fish aside from "driving over them" while catching dinks). Well done men!

Jun 06 2019

Tom Dillon


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Sorry, John.